Wireless Networks, Audio Visual, IWB & ICT suite installs

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Companies in bed with each other......tut tut!!

One of the primary schools we support has a Promethean Active Board 2 system in one of its classroom. This has board, height adjustable mounting system and a Sanyo PLC-XE 40 projector.

Slight problem here, what happens when the projector fails. You would think get a new one. Not possible as the PLC-XE 40 is no longer made. Promethean only use Sanyo kit with mounting systems generic to their projectors.

They do have an identical unit with identical chassis, identical everything except the mounting holes. The customer can purchase a converter for the mount at a price of £94......guess where from...Promethean. Cant see these converters costing more than £10 topside to make.

Two companies in league here making money from schools on the sly???? Ill let you be the judge but I know what I think.

1 comment:

  1. Just been told one of my colleagues can make one of these converters in about half an hour..... definitely doesn't cost £94.
